Save the Children

Fighting for a just world for them

Save the Children. Club 100

Save the Children is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) which works to protect and promote the rights of children and is founded upon the convention of the United Nations. Save the Children runs projects to help children in more than 120 different countries. Their programmes include:

  • education health
  • nutrition
  • prevention of sexual abuse
  • child labour
  • family reunification after catastrophes and wars
  • etc.

Club 1000 has a commitment with the Millennium Development Goals to reduce child mortality rates by two thirds before 2015. Most children's deaths in developing countries are due to illnesses which are easy to prevent and require cheap treatments. Some of the solutions that can save children's lives include:

  • Baby vaccination: less than 5€
  • Zinc treatment against diarrhoea: 0.38€
  • Antibiotics against pneumonia: 0.30€
  • Treatment for malaria: 1€
  • 7 bags of Plumpy Nut for malnutrition: 2€
  • Necessary care for a new born child: 10€

Club 1000 - Ten aims

  1. Protect the rights of all the children to receive prenatal and postnatal care
  2. Spread that it is possible and very cheap to prevent or treat the worst children's illnesses
  3. Collaborate to save the lives of 25 million of children within the next 4 years
  4. Help to increase the number of health and nutrition programs carried out by Save the Children
  5. Support the creation of free health programs
  6. Pressure governments to develop policies according to the  Millennium Development Goals
  7. Cooperate with programs that can guarantee access to health
  8. Promote solidarity between employees, providers and clients
  9. Inform other companies about the actions carried out by Club 1000
  10. Offer a donation per year to save thousands of children’s lives


Insc. Reg. Merc. Alicante, Tomo 2259, Libro 0, Folio 171, Sección 8, Hoja A-54957, Inscripción 1 - C.I.F. B-53402624

Ábaco Asesores